Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)

Thomas Buick Will Show Mew Special Here Wednesday Complete New Styling AUTO ROW GOSSIP MECHANICAL IMPROVEMENTS Besides the new Cadillac engine, Cadillac engineers have been busy with what most automotive authorities considered to be one of the And Many Innovations Walter Deal, president of Thorn Be as Buick recently returned from a world's nearest perfect Miami vacation brought back achievements is the design of the combined bumper and grille. Developed by Buick and offered on Special for the first time, this Dynaf low To Optional On Models. story that is worth repeating here A smaller, lighter radiator is made possible by the 1949 engine because friction and heat losses have been he met a chap who told him it was utterly useless for one to stay reduced to a minimum. Factors innovation was accomplished by placing the vertical bumper grille bars forward of the single-piece bumper. Two bomb-shaped bumper FLINT.

Aug. 6. Featured bv bumier and radiator grille de out on the beach in the sun for a sign entirely new to the automobile guards, which also house the part week or ten days getting a tan that when they gave you your ho ine lamps, are mounted on the contributing to this are the valve-in-head construction permitting smaller, redesigned combustion chambers and a larger eylinder bore with shorter piston stroke, which tel bill you turned as white as a sheet anyway it's clean the bumper. New also are sweeping fender and body contours which individualize thj Special from a styling stand new Buick will be shown in Ashe- 1i1ttrv. Buk "nertfu fwes wuj be Introduced Wednesday with completely new styUna and many engineering innovations.

Long and sleek in appearance, the new Special is three inches shorter in overall length on a wheelbase virtually th. same as its predecessor which writ out of production last HUDSON 2-DOOR BROUGHAM that is proving to be a very popular car in many parts combine to 'reduce piston velocity ville Wednesday and according to of the country. Powered by a 121 horsepower engine it has plenty of speed and pick-up and point. and expose less cylinder wall sur The Buick ventiports. a Buick de its long sleek lines give it a very smart appearance.

Motors is the Asheville dealer. Jay Coffey, it's a honey Bob Ray at Harry's Cadiilac-Fontiac brought his stomach ulcers back to velopment of last year which has been widely copied, are relocated In face to the combustion flame. The new cooling system requires only 18 quarts of coolant. tin Special and are ovals rather The new car retains the same! work the early part of the week and seems to be in good shape or substantial appearance of itsjthan circles. They are moumea in solid.

rather 111 say about as good shape mate the Super "Brau running as his golf game is in squat Roadmaster Series with funda ting down on my haunches along as on me super mm iwauiutuici Series. Although the car is lower than side a Cadillac while Bob Sadler who was working underneath dis its predecessor, Buick engineers ac complished this without sacrificing cussed his crop of tomatoes with the old Ed. who sympathized with ground clearance or head room. En models are: four-door sedan, club coupe, convertible club coupe ana station wagon. In the deluxe group I are the' four-door sedan and the club coupe.

In addition, Plymoutn build three deluxe models on a brand new 111-inch wheelbase, a two-door sedan, a three-passenger coupe, and a new body type, the Suburban. The 97-horsepower engine has improved performance and efficiency with a new design cylinder head which increases compression ratio to 7 to 1. Deppe Motors, and Gene- Ochsenreiter, are the Asheville dealers. J. C.

COFFEY Known to hundreds of automobile buyers all over Western North Carolina, J. C. Coffey was long Identified with the, selling of automobiles. For the past ten years be has been in another line but recently Joined the sales force of Sams Motors Sales and will sell Lincoln and Mercury. Edwin L.

Sams, head of this company, stated recently that he was exceptionally pleased to have Coffey on his saleslorce and felt sure that the jnany friends of Coffey in this section would be glad to learn of his new connection. mental characteristics of Buick design presented in brand new dress Dynaflow. Buick's torque converter transmission, is avatlabl as optional equipment. The new series Is presented In two body styles and three models a slz-passenger four-door sedan, a s'x-passenrer fwn-Hnnr Hpn. three-passenger two-door business coupe with added utility space in addition to ample lugsage room In the trunk compartment.

High on the list of engineering truice room and leg room remain the same despite the rear seat being moved still further forward of the rear axle, providing added riding comfort for rear seat passen him the old tomatoes are all suffering with the black bottom also another Coffey is back in the auto business that gives us two In Asheville Jay at Thomas and J. C. Coffey with Ed Sams at Sams Motor Sales, now you can have your coffee black or with cream mentioned the size of gers. Easier parking and maneuver ability are made possible by the reduced over-all length. Many changes are incorporated in the repair department at Matthews last weefr and how much labor it took to get up and down and one of the service men asked me how the I would like to do it all day and every working day think it would be O.

K. as they seem to be mighty fine people'. nT. I visiting with Conn who heads the THE NEW JEEP STATION WAGON has met with instant success, according to Percy service department at Parkland This Sign Is Your Guarantee That Your Car Will Be SERVICED and REPAIRED the way you want it Yarborough, head of the Asheville Willys Company, local dealer. Featuring the familiar front end and the jeep motor and an all-steel body, the vehicle is destined to serve both as a com Chevrolet and he very busy but taking time out to talk with' the old Ed.

and tell him some of the fine points about Chevrolet I never knew before understand Ben fortable passenger car and if required, as a light transport vehicle. Come In For A Demonstration You'll Agree The "88" OLDSMOBILE With The Famous ROCKET ENGINE Is The Most Wonderful Car You Ever Rode In Pless is in New York for a short time guess he is either on if I had ever ridden on a velvet cushion my reply was that the urav lnnlrprt was callspH hv falling leg room and seats are wider. Typical of Plymouth's many refinements is the ignition-starter com Studebaker business or after an- 1949 PLYMOUTH NEW DESIGNED IN EVERY WAY other big feature picture for nf hPrt nn mv hMrt in mv bination, with which a turn of the key starts the engine. UDrive-ln theatre invited for aLounr davs anvwav thp olds- Factory Trained Mechanics Factory Made Parts HOOD mobile is like riding on a velvet demonstration in an "88" Oldsmo-bile by Bob Sessons who asked me Brilliant new styling is combined with outstanding riding comfort, increased roominess, and sweeping mechanical improvements in the new line of Plymouth automobiles. Body Fender Work Fine Auto Painting The new Plymouths are sleek In appearance.

New rear-end styling provides a graceful balance with the horizontal grille lines which emphasibe the broadness of the front. Fenders which blend perfectly into body lines are nevertheless separate and detachable, thus avoiding sheet metal panels so costly to repair or replace. The new Plymouth line includes nine distinct automobiles. Special deluxe and deluxe types are on a 118-inch wheelbase, one inch longer cushion which I agreed with him one of my good friends in the row offering a pint of spirits fru-menti for the cold in the head but being on a milk diet had to refuse still haven't had the invitation to ride the palomino of Percy (Jeep) yarborough, guess he knows better than to let an automobile editor ride his prize horse well it's time to forget automobiles and ro out to Chateau Broke and listen to the wife, poor wretch, tell me her troubles. Completely redesigned, the new Plymouth has a longer wheelbase the interior of the body, most important of which is the 12 inches additional width at hip level in the rear seat.

Interior appointments have been refined and the beauty enhanced by the selection of a grey-stripe upholstery cloth which blends with matching colors used on the instrument panel, door trim and other painted panels. Thomas Buick will show the new car. i for a better ride and more road DEPPE MOTORS, INC. stability, but less front and rear overhang for easier parking Inc. "Your DeSoto-Plytnouth Dealer" Dial 2-1 88 196 Hflliard Ave.

garaging. While the silhouette has been lowered and the width decreased, there is more head and Dial 2-1526 Corner Cose A. HfllUrd Ave. than last year's. Special deluxe; Poor Car Performance Is Nerve Wracking Get An OCHSENREITER Smoetf Comortr fius awfjf Space HAW STATION WAGON 5000 Mile Maintenance SPECIAL ATTENTION! CHEVROLET OWNERS CHECK-UP Motor Repairs Lights Brakes Ignition Body and Fender Painting Wheel Aligning 1.

Tighten Complete Car. 2. Complete Motor Tune t'p. 3. Check Steering Complete.

4. Check and Adjust Brakes. 5. Tighten All Cooling System Connections. 6.

Check Cluth Clearance and Adjust if Necessary. 7. Pack Front Wheel Bearings. 8. Check AU Lights and Aim Headlights.

9. Inspect Engine Mountings. 10. Check Exhaust System. 11.

Cross Change Tires (if necessary). 12. Check Fluid Shack Absorbers. 13. Check Weel Alignment.

14. Pull AU Wheels and Check Linings. Especially See The New Buick Special Showing Aug. 10,, 1949 THOMAS BUICK, he. "Buick Service Is Always Best" Cox Ave.

Dial 5321 $9.95 Parts Extra ASIIEUILLE WILLYS CO. PARKLAND CHEVROLET IXC. "Friendly People" 50 Coxe Ave. Dial 2-3521 Asheville, N. C.

West Asheville Podge Plymouth Dodge Job Rated Trucks 228-230 Hilliard Ave. Dial 2-1551 77 Coxe Ave. 428 Haywood Road MEMO Whether You Choose A rfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifitiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiit I Know That Your Car Is In Perfect Shape For Mountain Driving CHAMPION COMMANDER LAND CRUISER Trail SALES SYBEIMIE? SERVICE Will Give You Finest Performance 1 Economy You'll Like Lasting Good Looks Come in for a demonstration PLESS MOTOR CO. Is One You May Depend On Every Repair By Skilled Mechanics in -hie new Golden Anniversary fktortf ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ON BROWN MOTOR Inc. 144 Coxe Ave.

Asheville, N. "Your PACKARD Dealer" and SERVICE SAWYER MOTOR 15-17 S. Lexington Ave. "Your Studebaker Dealer For Over 15 Years" 4)m0'MO'mf'MOMO'4SSSOS(aC)(SS0SM" 94 Com Av. Dial 7646 MOTORS, Inc.

I 170 Coxe Ave. iiiff trirt rrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif rf iiiiiuiiiiiiiiitittitmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiniiii i iiiiiiirfrriiiiiiiii imif i inriiitiiif tmiiiiT? Used Cars at Trade-In Allowance mm Your Car Deserves The Best SERVICE We Say We Are Tops In Body Fender Work Our Men Know How To Smooth Out The Dents We Specialize In LINCOLN and MERCURY REPAIRS No expense hat been pared to make this the best body and fender department in the city. BUILT mONGlR TO LAST LONGER Come In And Talk About Your Hauling Needs There Is A Ford Model Built For Your Business riaTIlT liailTIATION DATA ON .104,000 TIUCRS IIM INIVIANCI IXMITI riOVI OID TIUCKJ IAIT ION0III MATTHEWS MOTOR SALES -Your FORD Dealer" Factory Trained Mechanics Get A Free Demonstration Any Time On Request ED ORR MOTORS CADILLAC- PONTIAC INC. SAMS MOTOR SALES Your LINCOLN-MERCURY Dealer College at Valley Streets Dial 3-4781 THE BEST IN SERVICE Asheville N. Dial 3-2731 Coxa at Milliard 68 Haywood St.

Dial 8731 21 N. Market.

Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)


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