Chile Crisp Fettuccine Alfredo With Spinach Recipe (2024)



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Do you have a Trader Joe’s near you? You can get an 8 ounce box of shelf-stable whipping cream there. I keep a few boxes in the pantry. It’s perfect when you just need a small amount of cream.

Independent Observer

I'd recommend putting some minced garlic and sliced mushrooms into the butter and chili crisp combo and sauté over medium heat for around 30 seconds (do not brown garlic). Heat the cream and melt a dollop of gorgonzola into it before adding it to the butter, garlic and mushrooms (and go easy on the gorgonzola since you don't want it to dominate the entire dish).

Betsy Teutsch

now that I have a induction cooktop, the water boils in a minute, tops. It is so fast it requires reorganizing cooking strategies. Love it!


This tastes like a decadent dish you'd pay a lot for in a restaurant. I diluted the heavy cream a bit: 1/2 half and half, 1/2 heavy cream. Next time I will toss in some more spinach. I added garlic slices while sautéing the butter/chile crisp. Next time I will add mushrooms as well. Definitely add chile crisp on top when plating the dish - SO good!


Heated the butter, added shrimp and garlic. Sautéed shrimp til pink. I then removed shrimp from pan, set aside. Followed other directions exactly. Added shrimp back in at the end. Delicious and easy.

Martha Pacitti

I am familiar with chili condiments but have not heard of "chili crisp." Can anyone enlighten me or provide a photo of how this product is sold? Many thanks in advance! Also, love the idea of garlic in this dish (Vitamin G as it is known in my house).


Used kite hill cream cheese instead of heavy cream and Miyoko butter to make this vegan. Had kale from the garden rather than spinach. Really great: the sauce, just spicy enough, coated the fettuccine perfectly.


Chili Crisp - if you have time, Momof*cku has the most amazing chili crisp on the market in my opinion but you have to order online and it ships. They have several different types and spice levels so if you're unfamiliar, just start with their original. After awhile, you'll use it like Americans do ketchup or ranch anytime, on anything, anywhere, breakfast, lunch and dinner. :-)


Can this be done using pasta water or butter instead of cream?


Made this tonight. Used whole milk instead of cream and upped the chili crisp. It was GOOOOODDDDD. Will def make again.

Wordsworth from Wadsworth

Go easy on the chili crisp. It does not taste really hot, but it builds on the palate.I think this a great, inventive, easy dish, and All American drawing from different traditions. I love floggin' down new pasta dishes. But my waistline does not.

Umm, okay.

Maybe it's because I used Parmigiano Regianno. Maybe it's because I added a little garlic (per a reader suggestion, gratz!) Maybe it's because I made the full amount of sauce for half the amount of pasta called for. Whatever. This is a KEEPER!


Great recipe. Substituted silken tofu blitzed in a bullet blender for the heavy cream (added a bit of water). Whole wheat pasta... Tasted great, good protein, less empty carbs. Used jarred Momokufu chili crisp - super simple.


Tried this as written and was a hit for a quick meal last night. Used one tablespoon of chili crisp, but will use two next time—the cream mitigates the heat. Tip, use a roomy skillet; mine was a little tight for tossing the mixture around.


Just made a vegan version of this with homemade pasta, Miyokos butter, homemade cashew milk, store bought chili crisp, and Whole Foods plant based shredded Parmesan. Super delicious, but would definitely add a bit more pasta water to the sauce next time as the cashew milk definitely thickens up quite a bit!

Mimi C

I followed what others did and added a few cloves of sliced garlic. Yummy!


use big pan like a dutch oven, add 3 tbsp chili oil


If you keep frozen spinach and shelf-stable cream on hand this qualifies as a "pantry" meal, perfect for a quick supper when other plans have gone out the window. I add the frozen spinach to the pasta pot 5 minutes before the pasta is finished cooking.

C Marvin

Quick, easy, delicious.


Followed to the letter and honestly, it’s the first NYT recipe to really disappoint. Spice was good, but we tossed the leftovers. (Sorry!)

chef boyar-KT

This was awesome! I followed one contributor‘s suggestion to sub half the cream with blended silken tofu (add a splash of water), making it a tad healthier and higher in protein. First time using chili crisp-yum! Next time I’ll add prawns, possibly snap peas and a splash of lemon at the end. And maybe some red pepper for the flavor and pop of color :)


I don’t know how the spinach is supposed to wilt if it’s added at the end of step 3. I followed a similar recipe (Creamy Chickpea Pasta) and added it at the end of step 2, covering and letting the spinach wilt over low heat, then proceeded with the rest of the recipe.

Michael B

I use Truffle infused Chili Crisps. They add a subtle umami flavor while not sacrificing on the heat or overpowering the other flavors.


I made this tonight and liked it, although it's a little heavy. I used silken tofu blended in my food processor instead of heavy cream and whole wheat spaghetti. I added sliced mushrooms and garlic. But there is no way this recipe looks like that picture. Once you combine the chile crisp with the sauce, it takes on a pinkish color. That photo looks like there's hardly any sauce and the chile crisp and a few pieces of spinach were added to a bowl of fettucine. Maybe I'll try that next time!


YUM! I made it pretty much as listed EXCEPT for doing 1/3c heavy cream, 2/3c 2% milk plus a bit more spinach and it was fabulous! (I also added some chicken but it was delicious without the protein, too.)


Use greek yogurt instead of cream.Used chiffonade of kale (simply for lack of spinach)Plus a few fresh grape tomatoes to finish. Invert cooking order: Cooked pasta first, then prepared the sauce second and tossed pasta with sauce and a bit of pasta water (this ensured that the sauce did not overcook).

Susie M

The Greek yogurt didn’t break? I haven’t had a ton of success using 100% Greek yogurt in something that needs to be on the stove for this long….


I love this recipe! Two thoughts from me: They say that you can use pre-shredded cheese. Personally, I would not recommend that. It doesn't melt and incorporate as well as if you grate it yourself (I find that it works best on a microplane/rasp-style grater). Even with grating the cheese by hand, you're still only manually prepping one ingredient. My second note is that you DO want some pasta water in the sauce. It will help the cheese melt and incorporate best and help the sauce coat the pasta.


I accidentally used the last of my parmesan before making this recipe so I grated up the same amount of manchego and it was great! Will probably make this sub on purpose next time.

Valerie Sasson

I enhanced by cooking up spicy Italian sausage (removed to drain and added back later), added halved cherry tomatoes to sear a bit, deglazed with sherry, then all the rest. Delicious.

Daniel Hart

Made it just the way the recipe said!! Super delicious and also can see it will be easy to improvise on if one wants…My wife said it will become a staple dish in our house! Thank you.

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Chile Crisp Fettuccine Alfredo With Spinach Recipe (2024)


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