The BEST Asparagus Recipe (Step-by-Step Video!) | How To Cook.Recipes (2024)

One of my favorite vegetables by far has to be asparagus. This oven roasted asparagus recipe is so easy to prepare, and takes very little to make it taste amazing. It complements so many meals so if you’re wondering what to do with fresh asparagus, you’re in the right place for a quick, easy, and absolutely delicious side!

The BEST Asparagus Recipe (Step-by-Step Video!) | How To Cook.Recipes (1)

Best Asparagus Recipe

The best asparagus recipe lets the freshness of this veggie shine. Plus, instead of slaving over the stove, baked asparagus goes in the oven so you can free up your time to finish off the rest of your meal or simply sit down and relax for a few!

Easy Asparagus Recipe

Fresh asparagus really doesn’t need much to make it taste amazing. A little garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, and a touch of salt and pepper, and that’s it! You only need a few minutes to prep this oven baked asparagus recipe, then it goes in the oven. You’ll be ready to serve it from start to finish in 15 minutes.

The BEST Asparagus Recipe (Step-by-Step Video!) | How To Cook.Recipes (2)

Roasted Asparagus Ingredients

  • Asparagus – fresh is always best when it comes to this veggie.
  • Garlic – mince fresh cloves yourself for the best taste.
  • Olive oil – this adds moisture when cooking asparagus in the oven. For asparagus, I prefer cooking with olive oil over butter.
  • Lemon juice – again, use fresh to give it just a pop of citrus to unite the flavors.
  • Salt & pepper – the perfect way to season your asparagus.

The BEST Asparagus Recipe (Step-by-Step Video!) | How To Cook.Recipes (3)

How do you Make Asparagus from Scratch?

Making baked asparagus from scratch is as simple as can be! You’ll clean the asparagus well, trim off the tough ends, then coat it with the olive oil, lemon juice, minced garlic, and salt and pepper. You’ll lay it all out in a single layer on your baking sheet and let the oven do the cooking for tender and delightful asparagus.

Expert Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Baked Asparagus

  • Choose locally-grown whenever possible – The less time your asparagus has been in storage, the better it will be. Wherever you get it though, eat it within a few days of buying.
  • Give it a proper cleaning – Clean it really well or else you’ll find grit in the tips.
  • Snap, don’t cut – Bend the stalk at the end to feel where to break off those tough ends. Asparagus has tough woody ends so you can simply bend the root side and they will snap off where the tough part stops.
  • Peel if necessary – For larger, fatter stalks, you can use your peeler to get rid of the stringy texture.
  • Fun addition: If you Parmesan fan, top your finished asparagus with a sprinkle of fresh shredded Parmesan cheese at the end. Its delicious!

The BEST Asparagus Recipe (Step-by-Step Video!) | How To Cook.Recipes (4)

Do you wash asparagus before roasting?

Some people give their asparagus a quick bath before cooking though I find it unnecessary. You will definitely need to clean them well and remove the grit, but beyond that, a soaking isn’t needed.

How to prepare asparagus?

Asparagus needs very little to taste good. Toss it with olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic, and then roast until it’s tender. When it’s finished, drizzle on lemon juice right before you serve it.

How to roast asparagus?

There are several different ways to cook asparagus, but I’ve found the best way to cook asparagus is by roasting it. Some people cook their asparagus on the stove-top, but I’m a fan of roasting asparagus in the oven. Oven roasted asparagus cooks perfectly so it has just the right amount of firmness and never come out mushy. Once you’ve learned how to cook asparagus in the oven it’ll quickly become your new favorite side dish!

How long to cook asparagus?

It will take 10 minutes in an oven at 400F to roast your asparagus. Even if you went with cooking it on the stove, the cook time is approximately the same.

How do you know when asparagus is done cooking?

It should be tender, not soggy. Asparagus that is done cooking will also have a bright green hue to it.

How do you not overcook asparagus?

My trick for not overcooking asparagus is by using the oven. It times it out just right at the perfect temperature, yielding utterly delicious results.

Does asparagus get softer the longer you cook it?

Yes, it does. But you don’t want to cook it too long or it will be soggy. That’s fine when using in a soup, but not so much as a roasted side.

The BEST Asparagus Recipe (Step-by-Step Video!) | How To Cook.Recipes (5)

What does asparagus pair well with?

Asparagus is a splendid side with so many things. I love serving it with steaks, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops to name a few. It’s a wonderful and easy way to add a fresh green side dish to any meal, plus it has that kind of easy elegance that’s fit for a fancy dinner or something more casual. For a quick fix, add a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese if you are a fellow cheese lover!

How do you cook asparagus so it’s not chewy?

Overcooking it is the most common reason asparagus can get chewy. On the stove-top, you want to keep a close eye on it as it can overcook fast.

Why is my roasted asparagus stringy?

Make sure the asparagus you buy is of good quality. From there, break off those woody ends. And finally, make sure you roast it at 400F for 10 minutes to make sure it’s been cooked long enough.

How do you keep asparagus from getting soggy?

Don’t overcook it and it won’t get soggy! By following this roasted asparagus recipe, you’ll have perfectly cooked asparagus every time.

The BEST Asparagus Recipe (Step-by-Step Video!) | How To Cook.Recipes (6)

How to Store Asparagus?

When you buy your asparagus, you should remove the rubber bands confining it. These rubber bands can bruise it and leave it with a rubbery texture. Move it to a produce bag in your fridge.

How Long Does Asparagus Last?

If you store the asparagus properly as mentioned above, it should last about 3 to 5 days in your fridge. Ideally, you should use it immediately for the best flavors.

The BEST Asparagus Recipe (Step-by-Step Video!) | How To Cook.Recipes (7)

Can You Freeze Asparagus?

You sure can, though you’ll have to blanch it first so it stays green and crispy. Doing so and then freezing in a single layer in a freezer bag can make your bounty of fresh asparagus last for up to a year.

How to Reheat Asparagus

With tender veggies like asparagus, reheating is very tricky. You can pop them in some foil and broil for just a couple minutes to warm them up. This should prevent them from getting soggy and sullen.

Watch How To Make Asparagus (Video)

The BEST Asparagus Recipe (Step-by-Step Video!) | How To Cook.Recipes (8)

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The Best Asparagus Recipe

5 from 11 votes

Prep Time 5 minutes minutes

Cook Time 10 minutes minutes

Total Time 15 minutes minutes

Servings 4 servings

Calories 141

Easy roasted asparagus recipe that comes out perfectly every time! Asparagus makes the perfect side dish for so many meat dishes and this one is super simple and delicious. This is my families favorite asparagus recipe that even the kids love!


  • 2 bunches asparagus spears
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 3 garlic cloves (minced)
  • 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • sea salt (to taste)
  • black pepper (to taste)


  • Preheat the oven to 400F. In large mixing bowl, toss the asparagus with olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic then place in single layer on a baking sheet. Bake the asparagus until tender and drizzle the lemon juice on just before serving.

Calories: 141kcal

Course: Side Dish

Cuisine: American


Calories: 141kcal | Carbohydrates: 10g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 11g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Sodium: 5mg | Potassium: 464mg | Fiber: 5g | Sugar: 4g | Vitamin A: 1701IU | Vitamin C: 14mg | Calcium: 58mg | Iron: 5mg

More asparagus recipes:

The BEST Asparagus Recipe (Step-by-Step Video!) | How To Cook.Recipes (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.