The Daily Times from Davenport, Iowa (2024)

THE DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1928. 8 who not be particularly interested in the values offered in the Classified Section. approaching 5583,000,000, would rate the new bank second in size to the recently formed Illinois Merchants Continental combination. CHRISTMAS SEALS GO ON SALE I Many a fine 'ised auto has been disposed of through the Classified Section of The Daily Times. Have vou a car to sell friends.

Mr Chester Battles is chairman of the committee in charge, assisted by Mr Harry Young and Mr Irving Fisher. Arrangements were completed for the dancing party which will be given Friday evening, Dec. 8, at the Fort Armstrong hotel, this being the first of a series of four informal dances planned by the fraternity, Johnnie Day's orchestra will furnish the music. People who are not Interested in saving money are the only ones the school Thursday beginning at 2 p. m.

A card party will be held at 8 p. m. The public is invited. The club will hold a special meeting Thursday at 1:45 p. m.

Alberta Camp, No. 505. Royal Neighbors of 'America, meets Wednesday night at the old Masonic temple. A public card party will be held at the same place that afternoon at 2:15 o'clock and on Thursday afternoon, a meeting of the sewing circle will be held at the home of Mrs George Hansen, 819 East High street. Davenport.

The members are asked to return their tickets for the supper and bazaar. Snow- AND PLENTY OF IT! if But Snow Is No Reason for being uncomfortable 1 1 (Jristoas(reetihgs 5 I coveries to combat cancer, tuberculosis and leprosy, he stated. Mrs L. F. Guldner gave interesting reviews of three books, "The Axe," by the Norwegian writer, Sigrid Undset, winner of the Nobel prize this year, "The Memoirs of a Sculptor's Wife" by Mrs Daniel Chester French "and "The Intimate Life of the Last Czarina" by Princess Catherine Radziwell.

The program followed a luncheon and a business session at which the chairman. Mrs F. W. Gillette presided. Announcement was made of a special holiday meeting on Jan.

8, when the hospitality committee of which Mrs R. Zerwekh is chairman will be in charge of the program. IJOLIDAY EVENTS ARE FLAXXED AT MEETING The workers of the Calvary Baptist chapel entertained the workrs of the Bible school of the Calvary Baptist church last evening in the MR AND MRS FRED SUNIER CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY A group of friends surprised Mr and Mrs Fred Sunier last evening at their home, 316 West Locust street, Davenport, the occasion being their' twenty-second wedding anniversary. Cards were played and priies v.ere awarded to Mrs C. Loreczen, Mrs C.

Stubbe, Mr W. T. Lorenzen and Mr C. Mickle-wright' The self-fnvited guests served a supper and presented the couple with gifts. Mrs Sunier was honored at a surprise in the afternoon when ten friends called to extend their congratulations.

Favors in card eames were awarded to Mrs Kuetl and Mrs O. Eckhardt. A luncheon was served" by the guests and thev pre-cented Mrs Sunier with a gift. Mrs Joe Dvorak and son, Ted, of Tama, were out-of-tewn guests. Mr and Mrs Sunier were married 22 years ago in Cedar Rapids, and they have always made their nome here.

Tbey are the parents cf two children, Robert and Antoinette. wonder room of the Campbell Bak- DR. B. F. MARTIN SPEAKS OX CTRREXT EYEXTS Tbe current events of any period ue dependent on history, on the events and life of tbe past, accord-in? to Dr.

B. F. Martin of Edwards Congregational church, who spoke today at a luncheon meeting: of the department ot educatkm at the of commerce. "Future events." he said, "are dependent on how faithfully we pe tha knowledge we have the rfcht of wav and to the degTee in we give God the right of in our lives, in our homes, our institutions, in our cities and nations." "Touching on the multilateral treaty, he stated that one of the greatest events before the world ftfday are measures for the establishment of -world peace and the cessation of war. the events of world wide interest of the, past month, he gave first place to the election on Nov.

which he claimed opened the door for greater achievement, and he ir.entioned the good will trip to Sviuth America being taken by tbe president-elect. on recent developments in the realm of science, the speaker referred to the building in dreat Britain of an automobile of SOO horse power which will go four miles a minute and will be entered Jn the Daytona Beach races in the spring. The announcement of a elescope which will enlarge the universe eight times and of a skyscraper with 75 stories which will Ut erected in Chicago were commented on. as were also the return Jrip of the German Zeppelin, and tfce developments in archeology which are bringing to light new Measures in Palestine, Babylonia id Egypt In the spritual realm, he spoke cf the trend from the dogmatic, tjtualistic and high bound religion to a more progressive and liberal type. New conceptions of life, physically, mentally, morally and spiritually are being evolved.

"The field of medicine is searching with marked success for dis- Funds Lacking For Pay of Chicago's 13,000 Teachers CHICAGO, Dec. 4. (Associated Press Thirteen thousand Chicago school ma'ams went without their pay today because the rchool board was unable to muster fund.i to meet Its $3,500,000 payroll, H. Wallace Caldwell, president of the school board, said the schools would remain open, "no matter what happens." It will be two or three days, lie said, before the teachers' money vill be forthcoming. Last week a deficit of nearly $12,000,000 in the schools' finances was made public.

City and school officials decided the eity would buy $6,000,000 worth of school tax warrants, "which banks refused to accept because of uncertain tax collections. The $6,000,000, it was explained, would tide the schools over through December expenses. The city council, which meets tomorrow, must authorize the city treasurer to buy the warrants before the funds become available Several aldermen have said they would insist on a complete investigation of the schools' finances re-fore "allowing any city money to be gtm'cled on securities rejected by banks." Methodist Leader Wants Bootlegging Declared a Felony WASHINGTON. Dec. 4.

(Asso ing Co. At a snort, business ses-, sion, the holiday events were planned. On Friday evening. Dec. 21, there will be a program by the children at the church, with a tree, a treat and White Christmas gifts for the needy as features.

Mrs George Blackburn is in charge of the program. On Sunday evening, Dec. 23, at the church, a religious drama will be presented with. Miss Hulda Baumann in charge. The annual Christmas program with a treat for the children will be given Monday evening, Dec.

24, at tht chapel. During the week between Christmas ana New Year's day. the primary department of the Bible The annual seal sale of the Scott County Tuberculosis association is on. These seals, the proceeds of which are used to combat tuberculosis, are now being mailed out by M. E.

Bacon, chairman of the Scott county campaign. But 25 per cent of the money derived from the sale of the seals is sent from this community, 75 per cent being spent locally. ZIPPERS $.50 And you can order them by phone or mail just tell us the size of shoe you wear and the kind of heel. Keen vour feet drv it's the program followed a luncheon at which covers were laid for twelve. home for new books in their library.

A Christmas party will be held Thursday afternoon, Dec. 13, at the home of Mrs R. M. Oysler, 326 East Dover court, Davenport. way to keep colds away.

New colors, WEDDING SOLEMNIZED IN ST. LOUIS The marriage of Miss Gladys Babco*ck, daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Babco*ck of Grand Mound, to Mr Louis Denger, son of Mr and Mrs Louis Denger, of 2727 Brady street, Davenport, was quietly solefnized Friday at 4:30 p. m. in St.

Louis, in the office of Justice Shuler, who officiated. The bride wore a gown of midnight blue velvet and silk crepe. The bride was graduated from the Grand Mound high, school, and altenc'ed the Iowa State Teachers' college at Cedar Falls. She vaught in the public schools of Clinton county, and for the last two years has been specializing in music, studying at the Conservatory Music at Augustana college, and under the French instructor, Elieen Misseer in Detroit, Mich. Mr Denger attended the Davenport schools.

He is now associated with his father in the Denger grocery etcre. The biidal couple school will give a party lor inc members and their mothers. Following the business session, attended by about 50, a program was enjoyed consisting of vocal solos by Mrs, J. McCurdy, with Miss Eloise Williams at the piano, readings by Mrs C. J.

Goppelt and oboe solos by Mr Harold Sparr, accompanied by Miss Lulu Brown. It' was announced that the next nvet nz of the Bible school work- fabrics and styles. Women and misses sizes. Others $3.50 to $5.50. Parker's Phone Kenwood 1080 CARL ENGWALL HONORED ON NINTH BIRTHDAY Carl Engwall was honored at a party last evening given by his grandmother, Mrs M.

Eaustian of 1224 West Fourth street, Davenport, in celebration of his ninth birthday. Gaves and contests were enjoyed, and later a birthday supper was served. A large cake formed the centerpiece of the table. Carl was presented with many gifts. ciated Press) Greater penalties! for violations of the liquor law MISS AUSTA SHAFER WEDS BRYANT BOYNTON The marriage of Miss Austa Shaffer, daughter of Mr and Mrs C.

W. Shaffer of the Brady street road, to Mr Bryant B. Boynton of Boygaugh, Saskatchewan, Canada, son of Mr and Mrs George Boynton of Minneapolis, was solemnized Friday at 8 p. at the home of the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs John were urged today by Clarence True Wilson, general secretary of crs will be held Monday evening Jan, 5, at the home of Miss Josie PcteTs and Miss Annette' Hatha- iway, 715 East Fifteenth street. i Davenport.

Davenport, Iowa BEAUTY TALK WOC France in Tipton, la. A Lutheran pastor officiated, and Mr and Mrs will reside at 312 East Twenty-ninth street, Davenport. France were the attendants, the Wednesday, 7 :15 P.M. the board of temperance, prohibition and public morals of the Methodist Episcopal church, in his report to the annual meeting of the board of managers, of his organization. He advocated passage of the Stalker bill which makes su a an offense a felony.

Depts Pickett, research iecre-tar, in his report said that prohibition sentiment was growing and declared that while bootlegging was a distressing problem in the United States that it was not comparable to the evil resulting from the legalized sale of liquor in England, Belgium and France. B. Y. P. U.

WILL GIVE BANQUET AT Y. W. C. bride is a graduate of the Tipton high school. The bridal couple left this morning for Boygaugh, where they will reside.

A. "Lyf-Tym" (Life-Time) Electric -i Heating Pad 1 DELTA SIGMA FRATERNITY I PLAN'S DANCING PARTIES i Plans for a formal dance to be given Dec. 28 in the ballroom of the Fort Armstrong hotel were made last evening at a meeting jof the Zeta chapter of the Delta Sigma fraternity of Rock Island at the home of the president, Mr Thomas, 2916 Thirteenth I avenue, Rock Island. Invitations to the event will soon be issued to members of the social fraterni The Rosary society of Our Lady of Lourdes church realized more than $150 from the pancake eup-per which was served to 200 last evening at the church hall. A home baked goods and candy sale was held in connection with the supper.

The Woman's Missionary society of the Zion Lutheran church met last evening in the church club rooms with 15 present. The members voted to send $50 for the new baby cottage of the Orphans' home in Muscatine, and gifts were sent to the children there. A social hour was enjoyed later. The B. Y.

P. U. of the Calvary Baptist church will give a banquet tomorrow at 6:30 p. m. at the PLAN FOR CONCERT DOROTHY GRAY NEW YORK Will Give a Short Talk on the Scientific Care of the Skin.

BE SURE TO LISTEN IN Y. W. C. A. to which they have in- BY PRAGUE CHORUS A lunchean meeting of the ex ties in the tri-cities and their Parker's "LYF-TYM" (Life-Time) Electric Heating Pad is simple to operate and perfectly safe.

It supplies heat con ecutive board of the Davenport Music association was held at the Lend-a-Hand club today at which plans were discussed for the con Three Banks Will 4- vited the members of the similar organizations of the Rock Island, Moline, East Moline and Muscatine Baptist churches. The theme pf the program will be "The Real Meaning of Christmas." Mr Wayne the president, will act as toastmaster and the principal speaker will be the Rev, Vernon L. Shontz of the Baptist church in Muscatine. Miss Martha Green will speak on "Youth and Christmas." Miss Elizabeth Haines will give vocal solos and pi cert to be given at the Davenport Coliseum on Feb. 1 by the Prague Teachers' chorus.

The tour of the 'i ANNOUNCEMENTS veniently, continuously and at very small cost. All you have to do is plug in at the nearest electric light socket. It is easily regulated to jfa three different degrees of heat. In sickness it 3 chorus which -will Include 30 cities is being sponsored by a committee GIFTS SUPREME is indispensible and for old folks it will make jf Merge in Chicago CHICA GO, Dec. 4.

(Associated Press) The Tribune today said that a consolidation of the First National bank and its subsidiary, the First Trut Savings bank, with the Union Trust "had been agreed Formal announcement of the merger, which would unite two of Chicago's oldest banks into the city's second largest financial institution, was expected today or tomorrow, the paper said. Total assets of the combination, of famous musicians ana music patrons of which Dr. Walter Dimrosch of New York City is chairman. Mrs J. J.

Dorgan, presided at the meeting today. ano and violin duets will be given by Miss Lulu Brown and Miss Lois McNeil. a spienaia Lnnstmas gin. Parker's, Kenwood 1080 srttf Pythian Sisters, Phoenix Temple No. 21, will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.

m. at the K. of P. hall. Roll call will be taken.

The Parent-Teacher club of Rockingham school will meet Wednesday at 2:15 p. m. at the school. Mrs Charles Lawrence will speak. The sewing circle of the Wide Awake Rebekah lodge will meet tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs Ruth Hammel, 813 Division street, Davenport.

The second of a series of Informal teas arranged by the Grant school Parent-Teacher club with the purpose of getting better acquainted, will be held Thursday at 2:30 p. m. at school. The Ladies' auxiliary to the F. O.

E. will hold a business meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. at the BRIGHT LIGHTS CLUB HOLDS ANNUAL ELECTION The monthly "meeting of the Bright Lights club was held last evening at the Peoples Light Co. auditorium, in the nature of a Christmas party.

At the business session after the dinner, the following officers were elected: President Miss Mary Eynink. Vii-e president Mis-t Nora Murtha. Secretary Miss Kninu Vuxs. Treasurer Miss Katherine MOP HITE SHOP RITE MARTIN DOEHLER IS HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Mr Martin L.

Doehler of 1937 Lillie avenue, Davenport, was pleasantly surprised last evening to find out that a birthday party had been arranged in his honor at his home. There were 16 guests and in the games of five hundred favors weve awarded to Mrs H. J. Guenther. Mrs Henry Wolff, Mr Charles Bell and Mr Charles Dohrn.

A supper was served at midnight. Mr Doehler was presented with a magazine table. WflO WOULDN'T Mi -4 i( Assistant treasurer Miss Mar garet Lal) fi. DavenDort Phone Kenwood 1080 Want 'Such a Gim During the social hour there Davenport's New SHOP 305 W. Second 50 Steps West of Hill's was an exchange of Christmas gifts.

The committee in charge of the dinner was composed of Miss Lillian Whistler, chairman. Mrs I Hilda Hesse, Mrs Katherine Kopf, Miss Mae Mason, Miss Olive Gub-i ser and Miss Delia Baird. The FOR CHRIS! MAS GIVE HER A Brammer 50" "STRANGE INTERLUDE RECEIVED AT MEETING Eugene O'Neill's play "The Strange Interlude" which is being produced this season in New York and will be an attraction in Chicago next season was reviewed today at a meeting of the Book Chat next meeting will be Jan. 7. Eagles hall, followed by a party for the members at which five hundred and bunco will be played.

The ladies' auxiliary to the Letter Carriers will meet tomorrow at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs Vincent Schebler. 2618 Pershing avenue, Davenport. Officers will be elected, and all members are urged to attend.

The Parent-Teacher club of Van Buren school will hold a bazaar at YEARS ago the areratre man uiicLeretl at tLe idea of (trap -watches, but now it is no longer a novelty. Therefore, suck a watch as shown at) ore a welcome giltatsny time, especially this coming Christmas. Xlie same thought applies to JumonJ In days of old, diamond ring -rre used for Tijagements onl y. but today, diamonds are jiretf for all gift occasions. In dioosin your wtck or diamond here, yon are assured of trie utmost( in value.

WILL BE HOSTESS TO THE CIIAMINADE CLUB Mrs Harold Scharnbere of 222 For Wednesday we offer you Raw Lrd lOicf club at the home of Mrs Paul C. Cunnick of 351 Forest road. Davenport, by Mrs Blair Johnson. The Dennison avenue, Davenport, will be hostess to the Chaminade club Wednesday at 2:30 p. m.

at her The program will consist Electric Washer It has every fea- 4 iw ture of the highest1 grade machine on the market. tm 41 Pig Tails, 10c; Fresh Pig Feet, 31ic; Snoots, 8c; Ears, 6c; Pork Liver, 12y2e; Calves Brains, 122c; Beef 20c; Veal Liver, 38c; Beef Tongues, 25c. of piano numbers by Miss Loretta Kruse, vocal selections by Mrs W. J.

Johnson, a duct by Mrs W. J. lohnson and Mrs J. Hershel Davies, vocal solo by Mr Davies. piano number by Mrs Irma Scharnberg.

vocal selections by Mrs Frank Renting, violin numbers by Miss Gladys Thompson, and a reading by Miss Alice Einfeldt. The hostesses will be Miss Beatrice Struck r.nd Miss Frances Armil. Mrs Mar-tin Silberstein has charge of the program. We Lead-Others Follow It is a fact that we are leaders in the cleaning and pressing business. No one ever attempted to give the public a square deal until we started cleaning and pressing suits for $1.00.

It is not Prices, it is Lowest Prices. Don't be deceived about that. Our work is guaranteed to be as good as can be had at any price. 30 30 30 30 Msn's wati4, tiiarnteetl 15J Garland tnoYtmrnt, iittrrl in 14K wnite gold filled case witk luminous dial and kandt 30 30 30 Our 1 me of ladies' Garland vrtrt vatclies is very complett at a price range oft a' i a. to il Center Cut Pig loft rubber rolls, copper tub, nickle lined, Pork Chops, i UK.

vfiit (oil, llD pierr)) mevntiag. trt vitk Ijnllunt Hu vkitc dismoad1 of eunl proportion, a a only Suits called for Cleaned, Pressed nd Delivered Ladies' Plain Wool bottom agitator. $150.00 1 I $1.00 $1.00 Dress Ladies Plain Silk Dress Tasty Nut 2 for 27c .50 $15 to 55022 witk a few diamond jet numbers, up to $100.00. 89 i Ui I I to il tn TnetiagiUtutntedin rlie upper left kaitd earner la nan4rvfDt Pnnrtii ring of pure iridium platinum, let vitk 7 Lruliant dvamontii; tna eitltt i kin nit gem of nttwai lewry, reaioaaLlj- priced at $200.00 With a Purchase OFFICERS ELECTED 3 ANNE WITTENMEYER TENT Anne Wittenmeyer tent-. No.

1. Daughters of Union Veterans, met yesterday afternoon in Memorial hall of the courthouse when the following officers were elected for the coming year: President Mrs R. M. Ovsler Senior vice president Mrs Louj, EiKhsriil, Junior rice president Mrs Oscar ers. I Ohaplaiii Mi's Otto Droljlnc.

Treasurer Mrs John Miner. Council members Mrs Margiret Ymine. Mrs Robert Armil and Mrs Roy Appleby. The members voted to give $6 to the Iowa Soldiers' Orphans' FOR GOODNESS SAKE HOUSKA'S PURE PORK SAUSAGE "Charga Aceounti Invited" "Terma to Suit You" DOWN Sugar Cured Corned Beef Balance weekly or monthly as you prefer. If you desire we will hold your Brammer for Christmas delivery.

Phone Kenwood 53G3 227 Perry Davenport. Phone R. I. 23141616 2nd Rock Island. Phone Moline 7901508 4th Moline.

Phone Moline 791526 16th Moline. Phone Moline 792700 19th Moline. Phone E. M. 41512 7th Kast Moline.

H. KING The Original Dollar Cleaner and Dyer We Kept the Price of Cleaning Down I a (A II UJ 'C a i U5 tc! You present her with a "Brammer" and we will give her a set of $14 self draining tubs. Parker's, Sixth Floor Jewelers and Diamond Merchants 120 Wtit Second St. DAVENPORT, IOWA. Watch Our Windet.

Watch Grow. 1 42(5 BUADY STREET Phone Kenwood 203-20 SHOP RITE SHOP RITfc.

The Daily Times from Davenport, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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