The Neosho Miner-Mechanic from Neosho, Missouri (2024)

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The Neosho Miner-Mechanici

Neosho, Missouri

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Coipmuntented '3 i si is a tu i A Railroad Time Card i GOODS MADE TO ORDER rfu I 1 is IS SO 4: a 7 1 zi £'' to jrf COMPANY bb frf 'IP To be continued 'id! 'Xitiitt Sad oi' bcitlod mj 5 "tr 5 i fea vAVNi 3 mi st fi oXziiic ore amily Groceries 1 la JV A IVfk Kt 1 4 3 7 I jCdrrectcd weekly byMesplay Moffett I Business sst B' Struck It 5 'it ilHU 1 A bi is i nu! Jr lit it I Ji i 1 A 9 ep i i it may pur chafes than are customary in Granby fWg can only state a fact the town quiet received last week and the turn in this week will be much larger still The min eral is accumulating in large piles not withstanding' upwards of 54000 pounds of mineral are used up every day When the new reverberatory furnace is complete Jt Diedll On Wednesday the 22nd Inst in this place Calvin Vickery aged 45 yrs 9 inos lers Co for the pur better know the monster our exchanges will pass the brute around tdvj lor a iewaay6omy S'MESPL AY C'M'MOETT GftANBY Mo April 14 1874 1 4 i I'n SATURDAY APRIL 25 1874 URNISHING GOODS TRUNKS AND VALISES EVER Granby Lodgi? No 21G A A meets at Odd Hall on riday evening on or before each full moon 1151 Mv 1 Clyma Sec AT PRICES DEYING ALL COMPETITION Bead Him A The Western Granger A man calling himself 11 Lewis ab sconded hist weeK from off Beaver Creek in thifjcotinty leaving a he pleas wife and one child behind and taking with hint a young woman by the name of Eliza Jane pfhitlock and two children' the issue of himself and legal wife' This scapegoat is about six feet high ha faireomplexion and possesses a hang dog look is about thirtj years old and has sandy hair and fflthf Tttrt Mr Editor: I have bristled and want to let off my steam through your valuable paper We have been tax ed to build a school house on the East tackSeJ bikla skule house on the South tacksed to bild a skule house in No show and tacksed to build a skule house for Judson to eddicate his there bein no children to eddycate in them woods And now our liberties are xyreaUnedby some who want us taxed to bild a sknle hou at hum where we have so long bin permitted to drink the cheerful red eye with our evolvers in our poqkets none daring to molest ormake us afraid i Squire Crane is a dangerous man To" nock his nose out of shop must be moved further North to very coidident Abat hq wouhlgturn out at b'ast OOOdhiswcyk" butjthe unfavora ble weather and water in the ot the week will no doubt make a consid erable reduction MESPLAY A MOETT'S I Prairie is sealed up with sev en seals of water and not a lick can be struck in the drifts until 8 inch pump gets to work We have often said that ig ther most Held in the mines hnd there is yetn6 reason to doubt it Davis A splendid minoral Jays in deep water and they have not been able to strike a lick the past two months There will be a let up on rain one of these fine days then look out for the prairie mines Jack Trevaskis took out and turned in 11000 pounds of mineral last week with a single set of hands This is good pay for one of the new'prospects Coycrly is doing a fine business on the old Vickery fields and will1 "give a good account of himself one of these davs Tlje Ashe aft boys od the 3d opening at Miot Tal 'Point have struck' aheavy limestone bar in their lead and will have to Jkorry through it It is solid ground all around them and they will soon be doing a big business again reight and Aecoin 11 PiiEtrs Agent lacks from Lively run in con nection with all trains I'zBv'c'in nnn i i I 'O pSj 1 I 1 1 i fj '1 onthe road to Neosho A good deal of new land has been brought under fence and a large amount of new fence is con spicuous on the prairie road The Hook Caught and an Ugly Notice in ii i ngiyi! in pf irijne ru 1 1 der tbok the term is to "slide a down his shaft on Wednesday the windlass pins were wet and slipped out and William yheard something and behold it was himself ortunately' didn't as the hook of the windlass rope caught of 30 the rocks and he now uses a cane to walk with Had he struck the bottom well we tell bro ken legs a dislocated spine or some oth er such thing mighthave been addpd to his experience No one should in in a hurry going into a 40 foot shaft SJrb tod io Up ani Ioing Lodge No (22 1 1 Imlds regular mtinr at the Presbyterian Church on everv Thursday evening at 7 ck WM CARL YON UranbyAIiner i rv'j: J5 1 EAST BOUND TRAINS Night Express 129 a reight and Accoin 1215 foUitrf bith Jj fi Viif I Si 4 i vr ylBc 7 1 i vi Shipments fronGranby: Wegive below uiflielalJtfigiires Of the sliipments from the depotat Granby City and freight received during the mouth of March frt Avhici we ai tinder many otn ligations to Mr 11 Phelps the gentle manly agent Th shippei of Wlnci? weiesen't to 1AT 'the remaining 77 cars were sent to Carondo let Mo 1 om Vaikfjr vunjfi Company withj Judge Hersey and Joseph Hopkins owns a shaft on the Newtonia road hear Ben nington's house jjqu Wednesday last struck eVvfitelead oluejfdiieral and a5tTie 1 leavy tiibs came uprtchly laden with the quite a little ejeitement'and stampede witnessed Jumping' did claims and pop ping down windlasses to "cover thrtt sin a 'ift t'ie' time who Kild1 been workiygf his shaftje hix windlass standing solitary and alone' pitied and Dentistry I consoled for lameness by "such oora Dr Plummer Dentist is in Granby forters as Job had was at once snrround fully supplItxJjtiBtibribvtry facility for do by of warm friends and Avind ing anytkiuff4uthe line of his profession lasses each pan 'interested fin IToiSj bis Cal! soon Office at the Eiropean Hotel Bhaft bis lamenees and himself call attention to the eard of Gran by Division No 72 of This lodge has about 60 members and is in a flourish ing! condition According to ajate census taken in Neosho the total population of" that place is 1062 Granby trebles on that figure with the greatest of ease new dwelling house is completed and is a decided improve ment to the section of town just East of Main street on the Newtonia road Mmhig Company are making important Changes in their 'large stoiC room A partition is being put across the rear of the store at the stairway The room back is to be thrown on as an addi tion to the office A new race to conduct the water MlW and acrpssfjthef niviiie if jbplig putnpT The waterillwWwerInu lyaV the top of the large furnace building It will be completed next week six in number consume 6000 to each Aearth with two eight hours each with tan turn they would smelt 9000 eachl'or 54000 pounds tuf ning out about 675 "pigs per day Allowing 54 pigs tpr the air furnace 100 to the slag eyes aifd about 108 as the capacity of the new swtiaflKi paeity of the works isBbout 937 pigs per day nearly 7 000 pounds or at the rate of 525000 pounds of lead per wyek rom these statements read ers can form some idea of the business that is doing and to under the hill rom present appearances and pros pects the furnaces will be taxedrto their ut most Alreadyniineral seems to accumulate while many valuable shafts are still flood edrwith water The that held out tie farm in the suburbs and will hereafter put in his spare time sowing hayseed per truck'S Tie ex Cdlciitieeqjifdirgin Qievaleys Brother Williams as heretofore will cultivate the Journal and bringjt up to the highest point of excellence The County Court will not be aide to get through with all before them thy weeky Sat isfactory settlement has beeDmadtf with Collector Moffetf and he will retire with honorsq At no place is antagonism to the Grang ermpre apparent perhaps than at Neosho 've lpitlie Grangers jfiave or have not done deserVc this' opposi tipn plit UL certain that there is no love lost bn either side' Business So" fi ol oe'Tri otr'' "seenTb'ri'k faculty of dispatching business quietly GRANBY MARKET or the benellf of farmers we will publish weekly which may be relied on as1 correct "A 'careful perusal of these reports mayz save parties the annoyance of offering produce bn i dull market 1 "4 HET All MARKET 0 1 1 at? CAN ONLY BE SEEN AT CAHN AIA Ju 'SD obaccQ Cigars fius Solicits'the patroiihge of the publid' and guai a ii ice I 1 Annual School Meeting At the Annual School Meeting held at the old on last the following Board of Directors was elected HvCranevfoV3 yeafq CiBaileyLUori2 years James Wood ward 1 year The meeting passed unanimously a vote instructing the Board to take the necessa ry steps to submit to a vote of the quali fied electors of this school district the question of organizing a Town Board of Education in Granby and organization under the provisiousjof the statute appli cable to such cases l'he attendance was small We hope a deeper interest will be the organizization under thetpwn system is afiected Dentistry IL Green of Verona Mo is in Granby where he is prewired to do work in his line on shbrt notice All work warranted to give satisfaction Rooms at Hotel Missouri Kansas Texas The completion of the great iron bridge over the Missouri river at Boonville ena bles this popular line to offer stiil better facilities for the business between the Northeast and the great Southwest Two daily trains will be run between Hannibal and jioints in tjie gpeat Neosho valley in jlir fcoifnectipn vth altfijies Aho! two daily drains between 8t Louis and points in Southern Kansas or the Texas trade new and better fa i eflities are offered The rates have been 1 greatly reduced and arrangements have been nude whereby through Pullman pal 1 aee sleeping cars sire run from Chicago Quincy Hannibal and StLdiihltp'iGal veston without change passing through the tines portion of Southwest Missouri Southern Kansas the Indian Nation and the most desirable portion of Texas Any one contemplating ajrip to South ern Kansas the Indian Nation or Texas should address Thomas Dorwin general pasengei aget Sedalia Mo for a cor rec map tables' rates' of fare" Js skT' The American Sardine Boneless Sardines arc much better and less than half the cost of imported Sanlines Growth Approaching Granby from the West one gets some idea of the rapid growth which continued atthe present rate will place Granby within a twelfth month ahead in point of in theJSoutliWst tends tO tlipSinilr isjresumed there a town will speedily spring up a gap of half a mile or so in terveimia iVJed upvjli th? towu at least 2J'to paytly built too as any large town in the Southwest We hope when ourSchool Board make an enunjeitimihrfchild ren iu town ofschool age! an enuniera tion may also be made of our population and the numbetsof families A few dol hJs our will pay MH expenses Wethink the 'resSlf would redound greatly to the credit of our town TILE LARGEST STOCK sjicTE araiM AT TM KEO JHONT 'T 'a 4 4 rd Twinkle twinkle little star how dirty menu you are NEW CROCKRY AND PROVISION i4J 's 1 Jusmui a ft Jun 4 'xobot gbanbt fj lit' baiters QK Uoubon Mncl tfeon aged 15 years id trictly lor medicinal uB" I months an3 twepty days Satisfaetioh" Guaranteed? wdrkV done i the Greatest Dispatch Give us a call rij l'lr Jnrt ibitrw Jys I lit 'B t' vz jL 1'k jg ttvut JH CURTICE jPuWtfiw wThe CountyCourt has been busy dur ing the week straightening up county af fairs appointing road overseers for differ ent townships and issuing commissions to newly elected township officers IL Reeves the newly elected Judge from the ourth District has taken his seat Wednesday there wassa TulLaadyfree discussion before the court idrawn i6utlb'y eertain petitions presented to have the records and books of Newton count ex amined by experts to determine if any of ficer of the county has misapplied embez zled dr misappropriated any funds to "the injury of the county Arguments against inxestigation were urged because it would cost money We might add that it costs inoney Jtqj try a horse thief but it is a poor argument against investigation In vestigation has become the of our there a man With soul SO dead hose heart within him hath not that man is mot sound mor healthyj Wiiat would the proceedings of Conngress be without a investigating committees work? In vestigation is the antidote for rottenness It sweetened up New York City it gave striped suit ped his hair Let the good work pro ceed We shall be glad the County Court has consulted the County Attorney on thp subject provided said attorney shall declare 'that investigation is in order and if not we shall always be sorrv for the County Attorney and the Court The thing will have to go on at any rate We want itdnvolved in politics this fall There are several other little matters to settle tins fall and this plain case of in vestigation ought to go ahead now luniglt bepvellto add that none of our relatives have ever held office in New ton county and we feel particularly clear on this question and argue upon it entire from an abstract staiuj point Jifw pajda Brief visiljXo NeoshoyfXl terday our brethren of the Journal and Times were found on duty giving that 41 xj I I i shipped during the mom Also 1 ear load 333 bushels oi wheat and about 250d0 of freight making a total of 135 car loads for the month The cash receipts by the Raiiroid Com pany pijtliesc sljipments jvasS10G93A(J reights rewImlM tlih plaltHviir iot show up quid! so well The total cash re ceipts from5 freight and passenger amount ed'to 1G5 This we" might consider a good business for one station Thursday last the first car load of wheat shipped from the Indian Nation passed through Granby City It was shipped by Messrs Goodykoontz Green to the St market This is an evidence of the civilized and industri ous state Of the I ndians of that jqiirt ot the Natipn 7 i 4O for May Jules new story Mysteri mi is continued in the May num ber of with which number a new volume of this magazine is begun Juslhe same number Edward King has another "Great chapter profusely Illustrated Kujg deals this month with 2thh JHIofiiftaffis inf TenfiCssecGeor 8 gia riiiTI outirVarolina teresting story by Henry James Jr is begun and will be concluded in June: Mrs Spofford has a touching story enti tled "At Last and there is a graphic sketch bjr II of "The Mr illustrated pa per on "The New Homes of New tells and suggests much about about the system of living Mr Stedman discusses with his usual skill insight and catholicity Air Rtiffuer Su perintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Virginia gives his own decided opinion! onA "Co Education of the White and Colored Races and Mr Schumaker descrikes the lately discovered Taj "DistictiScLuJol 2 i poem is charmingly illustrated bj' Sol Ev tinge and Miss JEtrle'fs'nlso "Holiatftll in' Topics of the Time writes about "TbjftGreaU Temperance and "Political" The Old Cabinet contains "A Crooked and "The The Etchings this month are enlarged to four pages and Home and Society deals entire ly with the fashions I i icJ 11 Lip ROBERTS CO 00 a 1 25 I i i 'G! 7 'ZAis 'll 4 ii i i 'iK "slqi fl Have onened a amily Groceries and Provisions bought entirely for nsish arth prices and will be sold for CASH ONLY at a small advance Jlur friedg and the are respect fully invited to call and see us itnjs 1 Jr 5 vctfA WMV Bin IrrA GRANBY MINER Ui i $rii Bns I io rpj ijsrrf: i'fi s'ti Td tmi rtnT fnk i 'Li THL firpa of Mbsfbax Moetbtt is tuts day dissolved by mutual consent M'Moflfct 'wiU continue the business at the old All accbuhts title rhe firin 1 70 4W (Sfi 00 350 (oU 50 500 fee 00 75 2 00 25 a 2 50 1 50 75 a 2 00 7 Co partnership: 7 THE undersigned have tliis day formed a co partnership under the name arid ic vi a a ryanui pe pijjcarrymg on a Drug Store in Granby Mo buying and selling" such ar ticles stock and merchandise as are usu ally kept in a first class House: 107 d4 biu A A ANDERS 7 JOHN ODELL APril l6 1874t 7 ''is: I rny iW jf vRoj rfiat i Vl rr If 1 bl i i I unt fi 0'8 tbs BROUGHT TO Communicated'" jubny TkE fact that I'rieu will riisbrt tt little mean tricks when they can't meet their Kg yr 4j Hl i on Ji iv yljr OBJ 4r(: Jul 71? jv lit 1 3c' id New Joo Office U( i( it ti Jbsij I If ri iL titfr 1 tl jun? yuo" V'th io ft r5 Lu jTYPE PRESSES ETC eb'siir snl 'in i OIUVSU roLlO 1 PE 'SATIi ioMJ? JrtHvil 1 Tuf euian: yj an ANDTnift 1 i Hurf n'2 V' Usv CH bc 3'4rx nt A txt MIX 4 41UI in VM keep our work as rar from him as possi ble He uant a skule house in Granby! I got nij eddykashun in a cheap log skule house in the Elementary Spellin Book and can make as much money as if I had been born from a great Neosho Our erttzens need xi Krce Saloon Our whisky i bcosting too milch "place for soshul conversation and drink atGranger prices will help our cause verj much and 5hat is good for the male stuminick must be reviving to the stunmiickxff thelemale She sktflds'why 'not into the saloons? My object in writing this artickle is to show mj friends that our cause is endan gered Go where free skules havebeen" kept for some time and what do you find? Nary nickle will these young gents with standing eolla spend for beer or whisky! Meering hou'C steeples will prick the clouds and church" members will swell with pride like a gobler turkcv and bild costly barns and two storj houses with large glass winders But their once lovely saloons! Where are Jhey Jf in exis tence the doors are off their hinges old hats and breeches arc in the winders and for want of paint they are fast jroing to dust loons prpsen't ahnore We have paid but little home skule tax Wc have lived economically itt log houses without'glaxs winders liable when jvc take spree It is true I am sometimes puzzled to tell why we don't save more money than those chaps that dress in broadcloth and pay such large elmofuieksaltd leariiiiigMu '1 will git down that old Book used at oiTf house principally for stropping razors and see what it means where it says 1 here is that in giving that doth enrich and withholding that doth impuverishV "One 'Em PUBLISHED EVERYSATUROAY 3i MXirsc1 rd 11 7 iu 'rt JltV nt i'if 3 'T st i Tl i sZ ir p't i' fLr ait? on jp fli 'Ki '2d 'LOOR nr I jq yd? i'tifU ff Jr 4 1 5i 7 Ji 7 PAIN'IS 1 oT Jj' ''a 1 07 I 'if noj oj i opposite livery stable is always rtady to supply his customers with prime steaks choice cuts of beef roasts of pork mutton and well seasoned sausage meat or bolognas? GIve liimSaY alDIlh T8A5 Patronize Home Institutions Every one knows that the earnest appre ciation of facilities offered in the tr ns action of business of all kinds is usually followed by an increase of accommoda tions that materjall be i icti thegeneral public Thus 'keiolVA constructed its eomplelion is looked for ward to with the expectation that the section of country through which it runs will be brought nearer the great metro politan markets and that its products wi'l have an enhanced value The Atlantic Paeilib Railroad maybe rightlj' Considered one of the home insti tutions which lias contributed so much to the success of the West Its main lin ot Toad extending frm St Louis through Rolla Lebanon JMarshficJd Springfield Pierce City Neosho ond oilier cities and towns to Vinita Indian Territory is the medium by which the greater portion of the southwest is brought in contact with the rest of the country By it ami its connecting lines gaseuj ptrvcling for pleasure! or business people seeking profit are enabled to reach teir destinations safely and speedily In the management of the road the runniug of its trains and in the comfort afforded in its elegant cars and palatial sleeping coaches the Atlantic Pacific ThrpuglrLiixe offtys unequalled inducenieuti Ux travel 1 't Not content however with what has already been done the company will continue to add to the attractions and it is to be hoped that a generous public will recognize this fact and reward its erally Station agents are always ready to sell tickets or furnish information as to rates routes and correspondence on the wine subjects is solicited A ord GenT Passenger Agent St Louis Mo WmARRlN dealer JX "rr jj CLOTHING HATS AND CAPS BOOTS AND SHOES but isuio vr rd 4U 07 7 'is West Side Main Street of ''E 'Ih Big Mineral The tuni ii uf Cortothe cominj la eek was 50030 pou ndsqf mineral Thi is equa to anythinir that has been done by any one 'company iin a Vi OILET ARTICLES EYE RY DESCRIPTION i 7 I bi '1 tr 1 i URE WINES AND LIQUORS biro Medieki bbb ntn iZ 27a ii io Il ib 7 Cl I WEW BTOJOTG 7 i' vjiT tni Il 'i' 5ils qt' wg oz a iju otio Joii 1 li fea a 1 tt 4'7 i nJ q') ro 1 pj sifii a Mbps tot di stich magnificent proifectsi down tolfhe "AV It time it was flooded with water is now entirely idle Manyifiewand iritis prom ising prosjiects have just been opened and we think we can safely predict that Granby will turn out more than double the mineral she (lid last year em oO Windmill Pumps tarAn agent foruTftftfpis ijrjn inan faeturiug company is in town we under standand qnjJ ofhis uiaejnnes wipyjj put up forthwith as tan experiment ijtiiri tiers shaft affords an excellent op to test it notonly on account of water which Tuck says is sufficient to run the htrnace night'and day but also it i an airy location Wediave lip Iq doubt the windmill a "success" The agent 5 1 eiUirely? confident any rate wr to 1 Whiskv Htrtctlv 7 OPPOSITE THE CLOTHING STORE I ISHEL COMPANY j' 7' 'L i '7 i jd Are putting in a Large Stockfor the Spring fahd Summer trade! A fuil line of lit Wt PURE DRUGS ALL STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES fi i Snr' i er Vi tv Vrd Xj i lT I its East si le Main Street t'U i rc Granby Missouri row I bsJ tiy esr roiNT CHANGE No 1247 meets second Saturdaj' in each month at 2 CLYMA Master Harris Sec'y Granby Division No 72 of hold regular inertings ar the Pre hvterian Church on Tuesday niht of week SAVAGE Geo orsyth yfi' "lli li' JsjT? 'J Jiid fitillfio? T' adj OTjjri a AHhi la eriT The Only Exclusive Clothing House in the CountVi tf fl i rrf I Jjifl fl IS ti ti it ifl I 'br tiu 'i Gii! 7 Y'J V'i olJ it 1 n'l bti nb' ebisTV st AV ns iij 'rfA i ioif alT s' 'd rijur jdj Jcbihsiro 'ii if I rrjtifl' i it a ff 'i Invariably in 'J itli ii'i rH? i'Vd 'ietniHMb gg L'i b's i'HrjrV Oil i in 1 TOtlG I if A gf Li: Ji 'te if WEEKLY NK W8P AVER 'G Jj 7 sfT bo: i Coffee $0 300 33 Alsplce 0 3Cfeo 40 Bar Soap 0 OlfeoUO Ifriiwn Sugar" llfiiO 12 Refined 14 0 14feo la Black Pepper 0 30fe040 Common Starch OSfeO 10 Silver Gloss 15 Sorghum 4 "lf 0 '50 Golden Syrup 80U00 Silver Drip 00 White SugarSvrtin 1 20 Indigo 14Q1'5O Madder 2Ofeo 25 Goal 3 '0 30fe0 40 i Grass Rope 0 22fe0 25 lour 100 50 Meal 7ofe0 80 Salt bbl: 3 00 Corn 1 0 80 Oa ts i 400 50 Potatoes Irish 751 00 Sweet 0 751 00 Ham' 0 100 124" Side Bacon: lofeo 124 Dried Apples A I5 KU YI PRICES Corrected Ayeeklyby WiljiatpsBrothers Bacon 10 a 12 Dry flint hides 17" Dry salt 'io1' Greeni 'h 'nhiigi Mpol tubrwashed i40 50 fool unwashed 20 30 Dried Apples bushel 2 00 Dried "Peaches bushel 21 50 Potatoes Irish bushel 75s! Potatoes Sweet 80 fel 00 Onion 00 large white 1 00 fe2 50 Rxn Nnvv tut Xo ruA' ft 7 will be settietk'wiih St Mesplajr who Corn cl 75 be found at Mr desk ti tn 1 jPryfGoodst 1 Corrected iweekiy by Isaac i Coi Plain Alpacca' 20 25 Corded 25 Bed Standard Prints 10 "'ll 4 4 :10 "12 4 4 Sea Island io 12 Bleachdl i''tr i 9 fe It Shirting Stripes 15 fe 22 Checks" Heavy JeanL I 70 Cottoriatfe: 20 fe Piain Red lannels 30 fef45r Twfllett 4 45 fe GO Linseys J7fe 40 Cotton Yarn'! 1 7O carpet Chain BootsCalf Shop made Kip 1 hailed 7V'': Boys Henvy ShdeK 1 full stock Childrens Shoes i til ii 1 ADANRV 'j A bb 1 7 bbbb bby bi 7Ws" 7 bM bbb bbb WJJ any alread 1 i i lbiw: sb3 1 1 JH t' 4 bM fl fw 2 'fl flhw bbb brb 35 ra bs Wf and 1 a I.

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About The Neosho Miner-Mechanic Archive

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The Neosho Miner-Mechanic from Neosho, Missouri (2024)


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Views: 6245

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.