The Sheboygan Press from Sheboygan, Wisconsin (2024)

.7 THE SHEBOYGAN PRESS, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1930 THE HOME OF GOTHAM HOSIERY Municipalities Nk president Pleads For Spiritual Solidarity 6r -rwrrsTl JTmrmm EH FOR MONDAD ONLY 'LUCKY TIGER" HAIR TONIC FOR MONDAD ONLY "WALDORF" TOILET PAPER Convention To Be Held Next Month Plans for the 52nd annual con FOR MONDAD ONLY O. C. CO. SWEET CO He TTlie World brighter" than it is if his predeces vention of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities to be held at Marj- ago HQ) sors ana his contemporaries had spoken as temperately as he. if thev nette on June 11, 12, and 13 have 4Rools For mm restart.

ra- ration in its Memorial day 7t3 the war dead. President case to Gettysburg Friday, the graves that dot the Wind, pleaded for preserva-Ficrfrittial solidarity that had been moved by charity toward 1 Grown and can- ned in Wisconsin. been completed by the executive committee, President Charles E. oh uy iuauite toward none. Regular 50c size bottle.

Nationa 1 1 known brand. Special Monday only. 29c bottle. Drug. Dept.

Hammersley. Shorewood, announced Large size rolls. A good grade of paper. ecial for; Monday only. 4 rolls 19c If Others Had Done So? "We shall be wise to caCCT Specially priced vJrL.

for Monday only, CORNf Can 9c. Grocery Dept. today. Members of the executive 'Sealed a great people. what precious wealth of human life committee include vice-president I.

v'fSe of oSicial routine, the chief M. Evert, Marinette; executive-sec cugnt nave been preserved, what rivers of tears mie-ht never liaw euiv ao Clark Exposition opbjs 1 ill ChtoTf Attn ocsAti -r tumea noruiw, a.iu automobile drive through MEN'S WORK flowed, what anguish of souls need never have been, what spiritual division of our people might have been mountains lu luc PAY CASH AND PAY LESS Guests pjzbstmt retary Frederick N. MacMillin, and Trustees Mayor Wm. H. Armstrong, Racine; Mayor D.

W. Hoan, Milwaukee; village president Anton Jansen, Little Chute, village president Theo fishing lodge of Jay PANTS financier, whose Cac- ve earlv Sun- THAT tS avoiuea, it omy our leadership had always been tempered by the moderation and calm vision of Lincoln. Since his day reason has not al dore Kronshage, Fox Point, and Mayor George W. Mead, Wisconsin Rapids. briefest Since Lincoln rvr-ands, packed on the hillside hptnw tie stand JT 'if The convention is expected to ex ways ruled instead of passion, knowledge has not always been sought instead of reliance unon imrrovicd ceed all previous attendance rec STREET FLOOR -J a.vo.j STREET FLOOR 720NotEqhthSf.

SHEBOYGAN, WIS ords, as did the one at vvatertown conjecture, pauence nas not ever ueiayea ine lmnetuous feet of reck last year when 700 delegates from all over the state turned out. The League now has 250 member cities, less ambition, quiet negotiation has not always replaced the clamor of MONDAY-Stop and Shop villages, and towns from all parts PWUWElfWA the hustings, prudent common coun of the state. Thirty-thre i new mem bers have joined the League so far Athletics, me this year, according to Executive sel nas not invariably overcome the allurements of demagrjTic folly, good will has not always won the day over cynicism and vainglory. Yet Secretary MacMillin. -lCIi u- t- -x 'ent through the course of the 1,020 word text of ifTtras the briefest presidential 7STs at Gettysburg since speech in 1863.

slowly and earnestly, vis-Sved at times by his own -tCfcto the microphones which voice to the massed v'thin view and the millions S-riout the nation, the president the "lonely vision of Lin-jjTirfiose immortal words domi-te this scene." nags And Flowers whprft Lincoln spoke in A committee of five aldermen has Girl's Sport HOSE been appointed by Mayor Richard me laeais wmcn ne inspireo: cave served to mould our national life P. Murray of Marinette to take and have brought in time great CABESR. ONE DAY ONLY MONDAY Sale of Perfectly Made charge of local arrangements. One ft of the features of the meeting will spiritual unity, his word3 have poured their blessings of restraint and inspiration upon each new be an address by Burt Williams, Madisori, one of the first presidents of the League, at the banquet, June Hold Eternally Valid 12. According to President Hammer the national cemetery "In the weaving of our destiny, IBdDW BlLdDIUSlES Comb i a-t i on color plaids 1 all wanted sizes.

Street Floor sley, since the last convention con the pattern may change, yet the siderable progress has been made in woor and warp of our weaving must be those inspired ideals of unity, of expanding- the services of the Lea 5 which Mr. Hoover paused and tis car to lay a memorial jrati while en route to the Craned cupola from which gue to its members. A full time ordered liberty, of equality of opportunity, of popular government. Folly Cnt Made of Fast Color Broadcloth and Prints secretary has been secured and per manent headquarters established in and of peace to which this nation delivered tis address- 11 vf-v visible through the trees, in wv the throng that circled the Madison. During' recent months re was dedicated.

Whatever the terms search in muncipal problems has may be in which we enunciate these FcbmaliycfAUswlloaj.O., iAKS WEVi furm FATVEG CVEB JA) "TOLEDO ME? til? OSJfJ CAKF TO. GAY 7V SHy (UALTEG'p A Pssny Good cook been conducted, model ordinances great ideals, whatever the new con have been prepared, information ser ditions to which we apply them, they Fast "Bright sun beat down upon the sreie upon every ride and among wiir nri TOW of irraves. flags vice nas been rendered, and briefs have been filed as amicus curiae in must be held eternally valid. The common striving for these ideals, our common heritage as Americans, rJv in a brisk wind. On tis graves also were flowers which Women's Slipover Sweaters $1.69 Pretty colorin gs.

Round and V-neck. All sizes. Street Floor And Ha benoygaii and the infinite web of national sentiment these are things that have hpen El rev. a oy uimuicuo n.hfi broke across the roll important court cases. Exportation Of Licnior To U.

S. made use a great nation, that have tr scatter them as the Fnlly Made created a solidarity in a great people unparalleled in all human his -tent reached the cemetery, is the text of Mr. tory. Elver's address at Gettysburg: "The weaving of freedom is and Becomes Illegal "Fellow countrymen: stand todav amidst monu always will be a struggle of law 1W In JIVU against lawlessness, of individual in tha valor and elorv of a Ottawa. (Jp) Exportation ot liquor to the U.

which has been berty against domination, of unity against sectionalism, of truth and honesty against demagoguery and deration of Americans, north and south, now well-nigh gone. Most of those who bore "the burdens of t- fSvil war have joined their com- extensive and unrestricted by tne Dominion government since prohibi Sizes to 15 A Real Feature Sheboygan's Memorial. Day observance was carried out under a sunny sky and in ideal weather. The procession in the afternoon, forming at the postoffice, marched in two divisions to Wildwood cemetery where the principal exercises took place. Geo.

W. Spratt, prominent Civil war veteran, delivered the chief address and Henry Schilder of the German Landwehr-Maenner-Vereln delivered an address in German. W. M. Root was marshal of the day, assisted by the following aides: Capt.

Chas. Bodemer, Lieut. Ulrich Moeckli, Capt. Ernst Aldag, George Lebermann and Henry Kief er. About fifty old soldiers, some of them riding in carriages because they were too feeble to march, were in the parade.

Twenty-one members of the riding club, under CoL Born, rode in the first division and made a strikingly fine showing. A terrible accident, marring the evening of Sheboygan's Memorial Day, occurred at 7 o'clock on Michigan avenue near Eleventh street, when little Marie Elizabeth Weinberger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weinberger, 914 Michigan avenue, was run over by a Calumet street car and practically beheaded. The car was equipped with one of the old Milwaukee fenders which was broken and fastened with wire which made it useless.

If the car had been equip misleading, of peace against fear and conflict. In the forming of this pat bs who sleep beneath these tion went into effect below the border, was illegal today. A bill sponsored by the govern rounds. Of a thousand brigades tern, the abuse of politics often muddies the stream of constructive You rosy choose Troox broad cloths and prints. Fancy patterns or plain while, tan and bine.

ment of Premier MacKenzie King, thought and dams back the flow of refusing clearances to liquor-bearing well-considered action. Girls' Wash Dresses 90 Mado fast color ginghams in neat plaid cneck patterns. Floor Second "In the solution of the'ProDlems Featnres-(l) Sizes 6 to 15. (2) lined collar and ciuTs. (3) Yoke back.

(4) Faced sleeves. (5) Extremely full cut. craft, became law among the measures which were given royal assent by the governor general last night of our times we have some new lamps to guide us. The light of science has revealed to us a new understanding of forces and a myriad of instruments of physical ease and before he prorogued the 16th parlia ment. remarkable Tmlae Mothers! ped with one of the new life guards which were ordered by the com The measure, which passed both pany and were shipped last Saturday from Cleveland, me me comfort to add to the loy of me Buy your boys blonse supply lo this special erenU (See window).

houses with little opposition, out The growth of communications, of education, of the press, nave made laws the fleets of swift rum-running craft which has defied heavy patrols of United States customs men along possible a new unity of thought and the Great Lakes and connecting waters, particularly on the Detroit purpose, isut uae ngm mat gumes our souls remains the same as that wherebv our fathers were led. It WOMEN'S RAYON BLOOMERS WOMEN'S FANCY SILK BLOUSES WO'TF RAYON HOSE river. The new law was sought by of the little girl undoubtedly would have been saved. The motor-man of the car was Jacob Hirt and the conductor, M. H.

Malvitz. Both were taken to the police station, escaping possible injury by the angry large crowd which had quickly assembled. The body of the little child was taken to the Kroos undertaking rooms. An inquest was neld. Northwestern switch engine No.

1057 is lying bottom side up in the south yards today as a result of the spreading of the track beneath it at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, while it was backing up. The four men who were on the engine at the time, miraculously escaped without a scratch. The engine turned clear over on its back and went down a fifteen foot embankment, landing with its wheels in the air. The "Sheboygan baseball team defeated the Port Washingtons here yesterday afternoon by a score of 6 to 4. is the store of knowledge, the great inspirations of men's souls, the United States prohibition enforcement authorities for some time before the government submitted its bill to parliament.

ideals whicn tney carry lorwara, 1.98 that have lifted the nation to ever Under Its provisions liquor cannot greater heights. Union In Ideals "Tha union has become not mere 1 ly a physical union of states, but rather is a sniritual union in com be removed from warehouses for shipment to the United States and vessels laden with liquor cannot obtain clearance papers for United States ports. MARRIAGE LICENSES High lustre finish rayon in many pre tty colors. Elastic knee and at waist. 9Sc.

Street Floor All the leading pastel shades Beautiful qual-ty silk crepes. All wanted styles and sizes. Street Floor Full range of wanted colors. All sizes and "'iranteed first quality. Pair 39c Street Floor mon Ideals of our people.

Within a. Certificates Are Stolen At Racine it is room lor every variety or opinion, every possibility of experiment in social progress. Out of such variety comes growth, but only if we preserve and maintain our spiritual glory for this nation. They will lead us to a life more abounding, richer in satisfactions, more enduring in its achievements, more precious in its bequests to our children life not merely of conflict but filled with the Joy of greater 32-PIECE DECORATED Racine, Wis. -(JP) Police today sought pickpockets said to have ob solidarity.

The things of the spirit alone per ONE WHOLE SECTION OF NEW HATS tained a pocketbook from John which marched in that great con-ffxt scarce a score remain. "To the dead we pay again out tribute cf gratitude and devotion. To the living we extend heartfelt wishes for a continuation of peaceful years, serene in contemplation of their glorious youth. The time must ccce all too soon when these living ties of our generation with the historic past will have passed on. Thea we shall have only cherished cesjories to remind us of those cerx who heroically died and those vorea who bravely suffered for jreat ideals, or who lived on to consulate the reunion of our county, to give stability to its govern-rect, and peace to its people.

"Every American's thought of this great tattle field of Gettysburg fashes with the instant vision of the lonely figure of Lincoln, whose ririortal word3 dominate this scene. monument has been or can be cected here so noble and enduring that simple address which has kcoire a part of this place. Appeal For Unity "Greater than the tribute of gran-is cr bronze remains that message to the American That appeal for the unity of people and the perpetuation of the fundamentals of our democracy as vital today in our national as it was when Lincoln Behind him were the 70 ytars of national experience that had passed between himself and His words from their span the past rang with couraee and "sstirance for the future. Though president has been so beset, t-ough no time in our history has wen so dark, though never have men been so affected with Wbts. yet in the midst of all that crraoU he found strength to lift his fw a.bove clouds and proclaim vision which the passing years we 5C fully confirmed.

"Today nearly 70 years have pass's sjice Lincoln spoke. Ours is a fiay and ours new problems of republic. There are times when Jse. problems loom ominous and difficult. Yet great a3 IT iculties may sometimes seem.

tpoald be of little courage if in concerns we had less of faith C0la had In his far greater "Lincoln's counsels sounded asgely when spoken in the midst ar. His was the call of mod-2. Our history would be even Sets Dinner sist. It is in that field that the nation makes its lasting progress. Tn rherisb.

relisrious faith and the Applications for marriage licenses were filed Thursday at the office of County Clerk H. W. Timroer by the following named couples: Paul C. Oehmke and Eleanor Grupe, Theodore E. Van Handel and Elizabeth F.

Hogenson, all residents of the city of Sheboygan, Clarence A. Jaeger of town of Centerville, Manitowoc county, and Norma Anger of town of MoseL and Rudolph Sievert of the village of Oostburg, and Alice At kin of the village of Waldo. Smith containing $6,300 in building and loan certificates and $110 cash while Smith attended an open-air tolerance of all faiths; to reflect in to every aspect of public life the snirit of charity, the practice of for memorial meeting yesterday. Payment on the certificates has been stopped by banks, Smith said. Police said other persons reported losses, bearance, and the restraint of pas sion while reason seeKS me way; io lav aside blind oreiudice and follow France's submarine includes 52 vessels built and 47 building, including one of 3,250 tons displacement.

When finished this will be the largest submarine in the world, it said. The trap door spider covers its tunnel with a trap door, neatly beveled to fit the opening, and hinged at one side. The door is made of alternate layers of silk and soil. knowledge together; to pursue diligently the common welfare and find within its boundaries our private Transprrent Hair Hats! Public education in Scotland, Including the upkeep of the Royal Scottish Museum in Edinburgh, calls for an income of more than $35,000,000 a year. Hats of Lacy Straws! Summery Stitched benefit; to enlarge me ooraers oi opportunity for all and find our own within them; to enhance the great crepes! New Light- weight Felts! Eankok Fancy floral patterns in pretty colors.

Complete 32 pieces to set. ness of the nation ana tnereDy una and Feanlt Toyos! for ourselves an individual aisuno tmn- tn face with courage and con Every one of these hats were made to sell 6 plates. 6 fruits, 6 cups, 6 saucers, 6 bread at much higher prices. White and all wanted fident expectation the task set be I and butter plates, 1 medium sibe platter, 1 med shades or combinations. fore us, there are me pauu ot uuc ium size oval cish.

I SECOND FLOOR BAsem*nT i Our Week-End Special Fresh Crushed Strawberry For the second time this season our famous Fresh Crushed Strawberry Special. Don't miss it it's superb. LETTER-PERFECT GLASS PERFORMANCE 6 FT. WINDOW SHADES COPPER BOTTOM WASH BOILE RS Mixing Boivl and Measuring Cup it 00 rf3L ill' 2 Light and dark green and tan. Strong ring roller.

Complete with fixtures. Each 39c. First Floor 1 tn i 1 Or i I lliiji i i nLri r-i ii liilw TrtTaiTr jjjjjj inlll Standard sire Well made, with heavy gauge copper bottom. Monday $1.03. Basem*nt IE! ill Made of heavy green glass.

Two cup size measuring cup. Complete for 29c. BAsem*nT Mi' IS I'll i hi OificD Supply Prig. Co. 424-28 N.

8th St. Oiu $2.50 FLOOR AND TRIM $2.50 READY MIXED All Members of the Civic Music Ass ociation Are invited to send pro-suggestions to the secretary. Ill' "13sr 4 iH. TYPEWRITERS Jyarhish SMSMSWSJBSMBMSBasaSSMSliMSMSM I Many pretty, colors to choose from. Can be used for outside and inside painting.

Can also be used on wood work and furniture. Dries in a high glossy finish la 8 hours. Basem*nt Paint Dept. Here's an amazing offer! For limited time only. Just bring in your old Victor Records, no matter how old they are, and we will allow you 7H cents credit, for each Victor Record you" return.

You will thus able to select your favorite new Victor Records any you wish without spending a pnny! We make this offer so you will be sure to hear the marvelous new Orthophonic Recordings. Don't wait! Get 'em all together. Bring in your old Victor Records now! The only conditions are these: 1. We will accept Victor Records only. 3.

The records must be unbroken. 3. All records returned must be defaced by a large scratched across the label. Furniture of Distinction 1119 Michigan Avenue Phone 41 BOCK DRUG CO. 935 JT.

8th St. BOCK DRUG CO. 1101 Geele Ave, TENN SWEET SHOP Sheboygan Falls KCHLEB PHARMACY Rohler BAD ITS DRUG STORE Plymouth S3 4 Inch Paint QO 10c WALL PAPER AUTOMOBILE Brnshea iJUl CLEANER QEa ENAMEL C1 ft( 2 inch Varnish TqZ 3 for Pl.OU Brushea OaG 15c Woodwork cleaner, 2 -25c Auto Enamel, pint 3o RICKMEIER-FEDLER CO. ill iiUchizan Ave. Phone 2900 THE SHEBOYGAN DRY GOODS CO.F-3.

The Sheboygan Press from Sheboygan, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.