Urban Homesteading 101 (2024)

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Urban Homesteading 101


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The South Waco Library, 2737 S. 18th St., is offering Urban Homesteading 101 classes on the second Saturday of each month. The class from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. March 9 will cover beekeeping.

George Litton from Ben's Bees in Robinson will discuss the importance of beekeeping and how to get started. At the end of the program, participants are invited to view his hives and learn about what he does.

To register, go to calendar. wacolibrary.org. Space is limited.



  • Animal Husbandry

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Urban Homesteading 101 (2024)


Urban Homesteading 101? ›

1. Go Homemade. A great first step you should take when getting started homesteading is simply learning how to cook homemade versions of your favorite take-out or frozen meals. I truly think not just learning how to cook, but having a love for it is the first major gateway drug for homesteading life.

What is the first step in urban homesteading? ›

1. Go Homemade. A great first step you should take when getting started homesteading is simply learning how to cook homemade versions of your favorite take-out or frozen meals. I truly think not just learning how to cook, but having a love for it is the first major gateway drug for homesteading life.

What is considered an urban homestead? ›

According to UC-Davis, "an urban homestead is a household that produces a significant part of the food, including produce and livestock, consumed by its residents. This is typically associated with residents' desire to live in a more environmentally conscious manner." Aspects of urban homesteading include.

How to create an urban homestead? ›

14 Ways to Be an Urban Homesteader
  1. Hang clothes. It's simple, easy, and you can even do it without a clothesline! ...
  2. Reduce air toxins with houseplants. ...
  3. Use non-toxic, green cleaners. ...
  4. Grow food. ...
  5. Take public transit or walk. ...
  6. Adopt pets instead of buying. ...
  7. Compost. ...
  8. Use kijiji/craigslist or consignment shopsE.

How do homesteaders make income? ›

Easy strategies for earning income on your homestead
  1. Selling Plant Starts.
  2. Market Gardening.
  3. Specialty Produce.
  4. Host Events.
  5. Rent Out Space.
  6. Educational Workshops.
  7. Farm Fresh Eggs.
  8. Logging, Firewood, and Woodworking.
Apr 3, 2024

Can you start a homestead with nothing? ›

You can start homesteading with no money because you can begin right where you are! There are simple skills you can start learning now that will make homesteading a reality. So many people think homesteading means acquiring a large portion of land, getting livestock, growing a huge garden, etc.

Can an urban homestead be as large as 10 acres? ›

An urban homestead is limited to ten acres with improvements, which must be in adjacent lots. Whether a homestead is rural or urban affects such issues as the amount of acreage subject to the homestead exemption and whether the property can qualify as a business homestead.

What does homesteading involve? ›

Homesteading is a lifestyle of self-sufficiency. It is characterized by subsistence agriculture, home preservation of food, and may also involve the small scale production of textiles, clothing, and craft work for household use or sale.

How many acres do you need to start a homestead? ›

For the average family of four, you can expect to grow a year's worth of food on three to five acres. We really do think that five acres is the sweet spot because it allows you to stack your animals and really utilize permaculture practices. One acre for gardens, perennials and fruit trees.

What are the benefits of urban homesteading? ›

Because you can "harvest and eat" with urban farming, there is no disconnect between your produce supply and the amount you eat. The majority of food waste at the consumer level occurs because produce that is already purchased goes bad. If you only harvest what you are about to eat, you will waste far less.

What state is the best to start a homestead? ›

Oregon is one of the best states for homesteading because of its great climate and water supply. It's known as a state for homestead farmers because of the many benefits the state offers. From low property taxes to a large farming community, over 30,000 small farms reside in Oregon.

Is there still free land to homestead in the United States? ›

The Homestead Act was repealed in the 48 contiguous states in 1976 and in Alaska 10 years later. But you can still find towns offering free land to would-be residents who want to relocate on a shoestring budget and can meet homebuilding and other requirements.

Does homesteading save you money? ›

Overall, with plenty of care and planning, you can cut hundreds of dollars out of your yearly expenses. And this money saved can help you get your dream homestead and get you further along the path to self-reliance when you get there.

What is the first step in urban planning? ›

1 Define the scope

The first step to effective urban planning project management is to define the scope of your project. This means clarifying the purpose, objectives, deliverables, stakeholders, and constraints of your project.

How do I start off the grid in homestead? ›

How To Live Off The Grid In 7 Steps
  1. Locate Land. ...
  2. Build Or Buy Your Home. ...
  3. Determine Your Water Source. ...
  4. Develop Your Food Supply. ...
  5. Establish A Power System. ...
  6. Create A Septic And Waste Disposal System. ...
  7. Enjoy Off-Grid Living.
Nov 8, 2022

Where is the best place to start a homestead? ›

10 Best States For Homesteading 2023
  1. Tennessee. Rural Tennessee is already a popular location for sustainable living enthusiasts, with a fantastic harvesting season of around 9 months of the year, there are low property taxes and costs.
  2. Idaho. ...
  3. Oregon. ...
  4. Maine. ...
  5. Michigan. ...
  6. Connecticut. ...
  7. Montana. ...
  8. Alaska. ...
Feb 9, 2024


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Views: 6397

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.