Z Press: 3 Benefits And How To Z Press (2024)

Z press is a common exercise used in high-intensity functional training, that focuses on your shoulders, traps, and core to build more strength for overhead movements and mobility. You may have never heard of it, but if you’re looking to add some variation to your shoulder day split or functional training the Z press is where it’s at.We’re going to cover the Z press benefits, the muscles worked, and how to do them properly.

Z Press was invented by Lithuanian strongman Zydrunas Savickas (Big Z), hence the name Z Press. The Z press is similar to other overhead pressing movements, yet fairly more difficult than a normal standing shoulder press, and slightly more beneficial. The Z press is performed as an accessory movement, from the sitting position, therefore, you won’ have the same power and drive like you would in a standing overhead press. The Z Press is also an asymmetrical single-arm movement, conventionally performed with a kettlebell, placing more emphasis on your core and spinal stability.

The Z Press has many appealing performance benefits, that differ from the standing overhead press.

Standing overhead press focuses on your shoulders for initial power and push. Because the Z Press is performed from a sitting position, it rules out leg drive and back support and relies on trunk strength, core strength, and hip flexor mobility to press the weight overhead. Adding the Z Press as an accessory movement to your training, will help build more strength in your shoulders, traps, core, and trunk.

Asymmetrical movements can help identify and correct for muscular imbalances. Your body is a complex and interconnected system. One disruption to that system can result inmuscular imbalancesmaking you more prone to injury. Muscle and postural imbalances occur as you progress through life. Small imbalances are created from certain lifestyle factors found in our environment such as sleeping on one side, working at a desk in a certain position, and carrying your bag on a preferred shoulder. They can also occur from rehabbing old injuries, poor exercise form, and only using weight machines, with no exercise variability. Z Press can help weaken your core, shoulder and upper back, to help balance homeostasis, and correct for overcompensation of weaker muscles.

Because the Z press is performed with one arm in a sitting position, it inevitably builds more core stability. Z press puts more emphasis on the abdominal muscles as well as the obliques as you contract your core. Your core is responsible for stabilizing the weight overhead, and unlike an overhead press, there is no room for compensation and poor form, since it’s a strict press. This will engage your entire abdominal core, which will improve performance and overhead movements.

In this video Functional Bodybuilder Marcus Filly performs a traditional Z Press.

  • The Z press starts with the weight in afront rack position, elbow pointing forward and feet together.
  • Strictly press the weight vertically with a neutral wrist to a fully locked out position overhead.
  • The shoulder should be actively shrugged into the ear with the wrist stacked directly above. Slowly lower the weight back to the front rack position and repeat.
  • You can incorporate these into your warm-up routine on days that push presses are programmed.

If your goal is functional performance and strength, the Z press can greatly benefit your training. As a strict press, it builds upper back, shoulder and core strength, mobility, and improves core stability. As an accessory movement, the Z Press will definitely help stability and strength in overhead presses, jerks, push presses and take your overhead Olympic movements to the next level.

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Z Press: 3 Benefits And How To Z Press (1)

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Z Press: 3 Benefits And How To Z Press (2024)


What are the benefits of Z press? ›

The Z Press removes your lower body from the picture by eliminating leg and hip support. It doubles down on your upper body, providing a faster route to improved upper body muscles and overhead pressing strength. All the pressure flows from the upper body and down to the lower abdomen and stops at the hamstrings.

Why is the Z press so hard? ›

Why Is The Z Press So Hard? The Z press is a challenging movement as it forced you to remain in an upright position, with little support from the legs. This means the core and upper body have to work harder to maintain stability and power the press.

What if I do shoulder press everyday? ›

Regularly incorporating the overhead press into your workouts will help you to keep your upper body in shape, counteract the effects of slouching and bad posture, and assist you with daily tasks such as placing objects on a shelf or high cabinet.

What are the benefits of the bar press? ›

Benefits of the Barbell Shoulder Press – Increases Shoulder Mobility. Increasing your shoulder mobility is important for a variety of reasons, including injury prevention and improved performance. This exercise can help you achieve this goal by improving your shoulder mobility, stability and strength.

What is the benefit of press up exercise? ›

Push-ups are a great way to strengthen and tone upper-body muscles, including your chest, triceps, and shoulders. You rely on these muscles for many activities, from picking things up to pushing a shopping cart. More upper-body strength can improve your functional fitness, making it easier to do daily activities.

What is the other name for the Z press? ›

He developed the Z Press (also known as the Savickas Press) to build strength in the shoulders, upper back, trunk, and core.

What are the benefits of floor seated shoulder press? ›

The Floor Seated Shoulder Press will work your upper body, primarily working on shoulder strength. Maintaining your position will also work into your core (obliques and anterior core) and hip flexors. Your hip and shoulder mobility will also be challenged.

Is Z press worth it? ›

Developed by famed strongman Žydrūnas Savickas, the Z Press exercise is a highly effective yet underutilized overhead press variation that minimizes lower-body muscle recruitment while providing optimal muscle activation to the upper body.

What are the side effects of shoulder press? ›

A behind-the-neck press does indeed place a lot of stress on your rotator cuff muscles, which stabilize your shoulder joints. The position is also awkward. If you have poor shoulder mobility, or if your weight is too heavy, you could tear a shoulder muscle. You can hurt your neck, too.

How many times a week should you do shoulder press? ›

To build bigger, stronger shoulder muscles, we recommend performing dedicated shoulder press workouts at least twice per week. The deltoids are complex and require frequent stimulation to grow. Be sure to allow at least 48 hours of recovery time between heavy shoulder press sessions to avoid overtraining and injury.

What is the average weight for the Z Press? ›

What is the average Z Press? The average Z Press weight for a male lifter is 127 lb (1RM).

What muscles does EZ bar press work? ›

The close-grip EZ-bar bench press is an exercise targeting the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Should I use dumbbells or barbell for Z Press? ›

Ditch the barbell.

If you have shoulder pain or poor ROM doing barbell presses, use one or two dumbbells or kettlebells. This way you can take advantage of turning your wrists and elbows to get a more shoulder-friendly position.


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